Wednesday 8 April 2009


Last week I just submitted my first assignment for the subject of nutrition communication and food studies which is due on 3/4/09. In this assignment, we have to observe 2 weeks of our diet history where first week is our usual diet while second week have to follow Australian Guide to Healthy Eating (AGHE) diet.

During these two weeks, I am having difficulties to record all of my diet history because most of the preparations of the meal are not accurately measured or weight and have to estimate the amount. Plus, sometimes the foods are not prepared by my self.

As the second week, I have to follow the AGHE diet but I cannot follow because the amount for the bread, cereals, pasta, noodles and rice category are very high to meet the requirement.

Although following the AGHE diet people can have a balance diet from the 5 categories of foods including carbohydrates, dairy products, fruits, vegetables and proteins sources of food such as lean meat, fish, legumes and etc but when I was trying to follow it, this was to difficult to meet all the requirements. Physiologically I felt that the AGHE diet can maintained the satiety throughout the whole day due to the portion of serving size.

Overall this diet was hard to meet the requirement as I tried it by myself, imagined that the government keep stressed on have to follow the AGHE diet in ordered to have a balance diet. What are the suggestions on how to follow the AGHE diet if you are to tell the public???

Monday 6 April 2009



Everyone, how are you ??

我拥有两个electives,其中一个我能选语文科,所以在这学期里我拿了日语(japanese 1A)。先在我只会一些间单的日语


いまなんじですか。 ごごにじはんです

What time is it now ?? 2.30 P.M.

碰巧有一个日本旅客经过,她就跟我说日语还拿给我看她的旅游书本,她似乎要去那个地方。可是我看不懂因为我还看不懂katakana。当她知道我不知道用日语沟通时,她才跟我们说英文原来她和她的老公要去Mt Barker, 不过我们也没有去过还好他们有在 Adelaide Metro Info Center问过,我们也只能根据他们手上拿这的巴士时间表来大约告诉他们应该在哪里下车。之后她跟我们道谢,还说我讲的日语很好,叫我继续努力学好日文。我当时很高兴,我也希望我学了后有机会到日本旅游而派上用场

