It has been long time i never updated my blog since after i am done with final exam. Time flies where 1 month gone and 2010 is coming. During holidays basically i just sending friends off in the airport, hanging with friend which staying back in adelaide if not just stay home.
Christmas eve i was invited to a friend house. Luckily that day me and shee hwa went early, we help mandy to prepare the food for that night party. I also decided to make my bread again since during the making bread for assignment was not a success.
When we wanted to start cooking for dinner, we all realized that the stove was not functioning. BUT luckily the bread was in the oven before the whole stove not working and manage to bake the bread. haha..
Mandy decided to cook the food using rice cooker so at last everything turned out to be good. phew~~~ Furthermore, maybe the oven is different from my house and the bread is soft and nice to eat!! The host of the day mentioned after eating homemade bread do not wanted to eat other bread. hehe =p
Just for fun !! =P This happen after we were back from having buffet pizza at pizza hut that day... When reached city, we all visited Kee Tong's place.
Location: Unilodge common area Time: Not sure (between 4 to 6pm) Date: 20/11/2009 Friday Participants: Jia vs TC
Finally i am done with exam. Yesterday was the last paper which is sport nutrition I have in this semester. This subject about nutrition that supply to the athlete during competition and training. As well as factor affecting status of the athlete.
Now just wait for the exam result to come out. Anyway, my summer holiday start now. This year will be my first experience staying back in Adelaide. Since the last assignment submitted, my study table was a in a mess. Like a war zone, I don't have a place to write because all the notes is on my table. After two papers finish, on my table has lesser notes. I have to start operation 'clean up'. Hehe...
Forgot to take picture starting of exam!! Just the recent picture. Below picture show during last week of exam:
Even tough no celebration this year but still wish you, Happy birthday dad!! Just now called you but you are driving cannot talk too long. In our conversation you asked for cake courier back to Malaysia for you, by the time reach also spoiled already. You also said that can emailed picture to you so at here i posted the picture of the cake i baked before.
Next time when go back home,only bake for you!! ^^ Hehe =p
Today 1st day of exam as well as in adelaide also having christmas pageant event. All student having exam today will have some transportation problem because some of road been closed for the event.
I having morning paper start at 9am but because me and jia missed the earlier tram, we have to take the next tram. When reached the exam hall about 9 something, this is my 1st time going in the exam hall late. I straight enter and answering the exam paper without the 5 minutes reading time. The paper today is food microbiology and this is the repeated paper i took last year. At least this time i can pass the paper as compared with last year !! Not to mention about the temperature today was 39C...after having exam in the air conditioning environment, coming out from the hall can feel the heat wave at the outdoor environment. So hot and keep sweating!!
Another thing happen is nearly burned the house just now. I wasted my dessert which is red bean soup. I forgot about it and become burned. Later causing the house alarm to ring. I faster open the window to let the smoke go off. The alarm ring very loud, me and housemate do not know how to off the alarm and just wait until it stop. T.T
Anyway next paper is on 19 NOV. Now starting to prepare for the 2nd paper!!
Time flies...November is the exam month!! This semester going to end soon where I will be having exam on 14 November. Hopefully everything going smoothly... Wish everyone all the best in EXAM !!
2 weeks ago which was 25 Oct went to lavender farm located in barossa valley. This was a random trip when zoe and I visit sifu house.
Later, we have steamboat as dinner. I have try something new where we eat together with peanut butter sauce. This is so different than we usual have in Malaysia !!
This round my assignment for sensory analysis of food is about ancient grains.
Wheat has been used as a staple food source since the Stone Age (ca. 6700 B.C) and cultivated from around 5000 B.C. Modern wheat varieties have evolved by differentiation of genome compositions from three ancestral grains and by mostly crossing with wild wheat grasses.
In the year of 2007, there is a increasing trend where new products containing ancient grains is being introduced to the society. Nowadays, the societies are more concerned about the diet in relationship with the health issues. Many studies have shown health benefits of consuming ancient grains to the body especially cardiovascular diseases and alternative options for people who allergies to wheat. Therefore, as ancient grains products are being introduced in the market have attracted more health conscious consumer to purchase the products. Besides that, there are some people who like to experience new items tends to buy the product to explore new flavour and taste which never consume before.
For this assignment, I have to purchase one of the grains to prepare some bread,pasta, cakes, biscuits or other products. Therefore, I have decided to use spelt as the ingredient to make bread.Spelt has a scientific name known as Triticum spelta
For the 1st attempt, I follow the recipes without using yeast to make bread. The outcome of the bread, its texture like "kuih". I think because the recipes which I followed is very watery and it is a batter instead of forming a dough. As the second attempt, I have included yeast to proof the bread. At least, the result where the texture is similar like bread. When it freshly baked from oven, it was crispy for the crust and nice to consume but turn out a disaster after cooling. I would say that it was similar like stone and I having difficulty to cut into slices. >.< I have no idea why the bread become hard for the outer layer. Is it because of types of flour used for making bread ??!! Anyone know how to make bread can give some advices?? Haha...
After 6 months of preparation, finally the camp is over !! 4D3N youth camp was successful. Throughout the whole camp, all the committee members were tired due to every night not enough of sleep. Sometimes can see the committee members not very energetic to run the activities. Haha... Just to say everyone was awesome to make it success !! Sorry to committee members if I have done anything wrong.
Last year, I was the participants in the 3rd Rushi Youth Camp but now this year i became one of the committee members to help organising this camp. To me it is different experience because before camp required a lot of time and effort to prepare the camp so that can run it smoothly. Additionally, I was never being exposed to buddhism since young. From this camp, I have learned more knowledge on buddhism. Besides that, I have also gained some leadership skills where I have to lead some of the activities during camp. I would say that myself don't have much experience on leading the activities because I don't dare to talking in front of the crowd but after coming Adelaide to study and I trying to mix around with people. Many people may thought I am not a quiet type of person but I do make some changes in communication skills with other people. I still learning to communicate with people so I have been encourage myself to be more daring to take the role by leading some activities.
Although it was a tiring camp but I do learned a lot through this camp !!
The ingredients for indigenous food are sea parsley and lemon myrtle tea leaves. As I mentioned in my previous post, I try to use an indigenous ingredients which is lemon myrtle tea leaves to make cookies. I got no choice to use tea leaves because I could not find ground lemon myrtle and it is very difficult to find indigenous ingredients unless order online. From the website, there are various products sold. Therefore, I bought the tea leaves to make cookies. My friends suggested to use the broth of the tea to put in cookies so I try it that day but outcome no taste of the tea.
Lemon myrtle is a lemon scent plant. It is quite similar to normal lemon smell but actually you can differentiate between them as compare with non indigenous ingredients. I personally think after tasting the tea, it remind me of the strepsils honey lemon flavours. Haha...
Sea parsley is another ingredients used for my assignment. It has another name which is called sea celery. This herb can used in salads, soups or stir fry. Sea Parsley is best used as a flavouring in the same way as regular parsley is used. Besides, it also taste like celery if you taste the pure herbs without eat together with other foods.
There are two ingredients so I decided to do 2 different test. I have give the example for 1 of the test which is triangle test. So... Example: Paired test Each test subject are given 2 samples where either same or different samples ie. AA,AB,or BB... They are required to find whether are there different from each other or same. This can be hard because you never know what to find especially given the same samples.
Anyway, in the end I make the cookies without lemon myrtle tea instead just put grated lemon and lemon juice in the cookies. I have tried to bake second time of lemon cookies. This round the texture is soft because I added more lemon juice in it. Everyone that tried my cookies say it was nice. ^_^
TOday 1st time baking cookies!! overall the session of making it was fun!! I doing this because my sensory assignment required to corporate indigenous ingredients in the food. But..... the taste of the cookies don't not have the indigenous ingredients therefore i need to change the way of conducting the different test.
HOw to do different test ??!! Well... there are few methods to conduct the tests. Example: Triangle test You need to set up 3 digit coded samples and together with 3 samples. The samples are 2 same ingredients and another one is different ingredients. Next step is you let your test subject to taste and see whether they can find out which samples is different from the 2 same ingredients samples
Basically this the concept of doing different taste.
Will continues update what ingredients i used in the next blog!!
Today 3 different locations of university or college are having open day including University of South Australia (UniSA), University of Adelaide (AU) and TAFE SA. It is very convenient to visit these three locations because free shuttle bus are provided to attend open day events. For UniSA Open Day, it is held at City West Campus. Myself and few of my friends are volunteering to help out in the open day as a general position. I given role as lecture monitor where I being allocated to work in one of the lecture theater. Basically I just need to make sure everyone line up without blocking the hallways and count the number of people attending the presentation session. As the lecture theater being filled until maximum capacity, we need to put out lecture full sign. If there are people required to attend, they will have to attend the repeating session. Furthermore, there are no repeating session for that particular session, we need to direct them to go specific division inquire about the program. Sometimes, there are people who wanted to attend the presentation which is not the place we in charge, we need to direct them to the correct locations as well. In that lecture theater, there are four people working including myself. I get to know new people from there.Among the three people, one of them is the staff of UniSA. Meanwhile, Alice is a recent graduate and Rattha is still a student in UniSA. After I have finish my shift, lunch is provided. My shift was from 8.30am until 12.30pm. Few of my friends get second shifts after they finish their first roles. Overall, this is a new experience for me to help out in the open day event.
THanks everyone been giving a lot of encouragement to ME...
Finally I feel relieved as my problem about going back Malaysia is over. I know when the result out, my parent will feel disappointment because I failed most of the subject in last semester and is the worst among 3 semester i have been studying here.
So in this semester, I will try my best to score well. Plus I already half way through my program. My lecturer also said to me that different people move on with different pace. The most important thing is don’t give up!!
TOday is the first day in the month of August. New semester just begin after three weeks of holidays after final exams. Next week will be week 2 of this new semester. I still telling people which I got 1.5 year to go before i can graduate.This same respond also happened around same time as last year. Due to unsatisfactory of my results, I am required to extend my study plan until 2010.
During the results were released on 17 July, I felt very disappointing on myself because the results were very bad. At that time, I cried for the second time. I still remember that during my first semester studying in Australia last year, same thing happened as the result was released.
That day, my friends came over my house and they have given me encouragement. Thanks for the encouragement. I will overcome the problem I facing now.
Therefore, for this semester I have to do well. Since college time, I been searching suitable study skills to improve my studies. There are many different ways to study which used by different individuals. Hopefully, I managed to score in this current semester.
Last week on Wednesday (15/7/09), I have join an activity which is organised by Malaysian Student Association (MySA) organised. This was the first time I played laser skirmish. It was so fun. This laser skirmish do not get bruised after playing it where it was so different from paintball because this was using sensor thing detected on your armored cloth as your opponents shoot at you. Players will try hard to attempt target the opponent in order to score for your team.
There were only three target places you can aimed on including both shoulder and the back. This was an indoor game where it was limited to 20 players as each team consists of 10 players. Each game can last around 10 to 15 minutes. Besides, this activity advantages was the laser gun we used contained unlimited bullet. As you being shot, your armored cloth which told you that you are dead and became deactivated. All you have to do was waited about 5 to 6 seconds, you being activated and your cloth will become got light again and ready to go.
After playing this game, all of us kinda exhausted because you need to run around the field to hide at a perfect spot to shoot your opponent so that they cannot shoot at you.
In the afternoon, after playing three game of laser skirmish and all of us took bus back to the city. On the bus, my friends suddenly asked me whether wanted to watch movies so this was my first time watched movies in cinema in Australia. My first movies watched here was Harry Potter and Half Blood Princes. That day we went was a discount day for student where just required 10 aussie dollar and included either you want pop corn or drinks.
The cinema in Australia was so different from Malaysia. There was no people waiting to ask you show the ticket at the entrance before entering to the specific hall. Besides that, you can just simply seated which ever placed that you feel comfortable to watch the screen in cinema. As compared back in Malaysia, the ticket consist specific row of the seat you are required to sit in the cinema.
As for today, this my first time ever in my life to donate blood. I did not expected the process before you are actually donating blood were quite long. The process involved you have to fill a questionnaire about yourself as the first step. Later, you being asked to sit down and waited for turn to interview. During the interview session, you will be going through the question again to double check whether all the information given was correct. Besides, that person who interviewed you will do a finger prick test to detect your sugar level and measured your blood pressure.
After you go through all the process, you been escorted to the donating blood station and there were people will asked you to be seated and help to withdraw your blood. The needle that used is quite big. Firstly, your arm is being cuff to hold the blood flow so that easy to identify the vein. After that, they will placed something similar like alcohol swab to clean the surface area. Next, the needle is injected to the vein. The first time as the needle injured into your vein, you will feel pain but after a while you feel slight better although you still will feel the pain because the blood is flowing out from the vein. As you were done with the amount of blood required to donate, the machine will make noise so to alert the people in charged. After that, they will pull out the needle and applying firm pressure on the injected site. After passed about 2 minutes, they will put a bandage on that area.
As I am the new donor, they will let me seated longer on the chair just to make sure everything were fine as compared to people who have donating blood before. After that, we given light refreshment so that we have rest after donating blood.
Finally exam is over today!!! yahoo!! Today paper was super tough although there are only 4 topic tested in the exam!! I just write the possible answer that i know...just hope that i can pass
During these time, i guess this exam i spent a lot times to study it before the exam due to the interval of time between each exam papers. As compare to previous, most the subjects are either back to back or there is only one day gaps in between. I would say that i did not prepared that much due to last minutes of study!!
In this year, City West campus's library just like a 2nd home!! haha The library of City West campus is open 24 hour during exam times so that student can stay there longer to study except Friday until Sunday. I been there to study everyday because at home was too cold and there are other stuff can get distracted to not study.
Now I got about 3 weeks of holiday before the new semester starting!! Anyways, for those who still got exam papers tomorrow all the best in the exam!! As for people who finish their exam, happy holidays!! ^_^
TODAY is the last day of class in uni meaning final exam is around the corner.
Just to summary what I been doing this week was on Monday(8/6/09), I have invited friends to come over my house to taste my modified version of chicken curry. The intention for doing so was to fill a sensory evaluation form about the dish in order for me to write a discussion on my assignment which is due today.
The curry was different to way that usually cooked at home,where i have replaced the coconut with low fat milk as well as the apples were added into the dish. From the original recipe, it just stated the ingredients but did not mentioned the method to cook it. Therefore, I just used my own way to cook it and ended the curry was watery due to the amount of water I have added.
Overall to conclude the curry, it was not salty because i did not added any salt where I just put curry powder. I also added a lot of vegetables besides purely chicken, so the appearance of the curry looked like vegetarian curry. haha =)
Based on the case study given from the assignment, below are the comparison ingredients between before and after of the chicken curry:
Original 800g chicken thigh fillets 2 tsp curry powder 1 can coconut milk 20ml peanut oil 4 tbsp chicken curry paste 2 cup white rice (raw)
Modified Version 800g chicken thigh fillets 4 tbsp curry powder 2 cup low fat milk 1 tbsp olive oil 3 potato 2½ cup carrot 2½ long bean 2 apples 2 cup water 2 cup white rice (raw)
Meanwhile yesterday (11/6/09), I just have my Japanese oral test. There are 2 session in the oral test. Part 1 we can prepared it before the test where the situation is about you just newly arrived at a city in Japan to study and going to meet a Japanese person who live in that city who has been corresponding with you via mail but never met. First you need to find each other than ask information about facilities in the city and ended the conversion by making arrangement to have lunch together next time.
The duration of this task was 2 minutes where each person was allocated 1 minutes for the conversation. In this task 1, me and my friend manage to memorise the conversation without looking at our papers although there are few error during starting part of the conversation. Overall we were able to deliver the conversation smoothly. As for task 2, we were required to allocated the items from the picture given by asking each other question. This section was okay where I manage to read the katagana and hiragana because there were a lot verbs we havent learned in the class.
As for today, it was the last of class in this semester. There are not many people attended this morning lecture because there are assignment due today and we all stay up late to finish it since yesterday. From today lecture, I roughly have a idea what are expectation of information required to write in the exam because this course Food Quality and Regulation consists various technical stuffs to learn.
For the final exam, I will have my 1st paper on 25 June 09. 27 June 09 is my Japanese exam and the last paper in on 4 July 09.
Get set n’ cook 顾名思义当然是烹饪比赛。参赛者则是如是青年组的大学生。今天在佛堂里举行这项活动,目的是为了提倡吃素食的好处及当场发挥创意烹饪菜色。这比赛只限十组,一组有两个人。从煮菜到装饰只有四十五分钟,当时间到,参赛者就一定要关火而且不能继续煮。除此之外,烹饪食材是当场才分发给参赛者,比赛前我们完全不知道有什么材料,然后从现有的食材而煮出一道有创意的菜。比赛介于早上九点四十五开始到十点半结束。
It been a long time I haven’t updating my blog. During the mid semester break on the month of April (13/4/09 until 26/4/09), me and together with 9 friends went to Mount Gambier - city of craters, lakes, caves and sinkholes.
The duration of our trips are 4 days 3 nights starting from 14/4/09 ~ 17/4/09. We began our journey by renting 2 cars. According to the plan, we have agreed to have pit stop at Kingston for lunch. Therefore, we stopped at a shop besides the Kingston jetty to buy fish and chips as our lunch. Before that, as we reached Kingston, we can saw a big lobster as show in the pictures. The lobster was 18.2 metres high and made out of fibreglass this is a seriously big object which can be justified by the fact that Kingston SE is one of Australia's best lobster/crayfish fishing areas.
If I not mistaken it took us around 8 hours to reach the destination. In this trip, we have visited various places including Blue Lake, Umpherston Sinkhole, Mount Schank and Engelbrecht Cave.
In addition, this year my birthday celebration was special because it was celebrated together with another 2 friends. I just found that SY was born on same day with me.
Overall, I would say that after having this trip to Mount Gambier, I can see another side of South Australia where this place is surrounded by natural scenery while also increase the bonding with my friends.
Last week I just submitted my first assignment for the subject of nutrition communication and food studies which is due on 3/4/09. In this assignment, we have to observe 2 weeks of our diet history where first week is our usual diet while second week have to follow Australian Guide to Healthy Eating (AGHE) diet.
During these two weeks, I am having difficulties to record all of my diet history because most of the preparations of the meal are not accurately measured or weight and have to estimate the amount. Plus, sometimes the foods are not prepared by my self.
As the second week, I have to follow the AGHE diet but I cannot follow because the amount for the bread, cereals, pasta, noodles and rice category are very high to meet the requirement.
Although following the AGHE diet people can have a balance diet from the 5 categories of foods including carbohydrates, dairy products, fruits, vegetables and proteins sources of food such as lean meat, fish, legumes and etc but when I was trying to follow it, this was to difficult to meet all the requirements. Physiologically I felt that the AGHE diet can maintained the satiety throughout the whole day due to the portion of serving size.
Overall this diet was hard to meet the requirement as I tried it by myself, imagined that the government keep stressed on have to follow the AGHE diet in ordered to have a balance diet. What are the suggestions on how to follow the AGHE diet if you are to tell the public???
碰巧有一个日本旅客经过,她就跟我说日语还拿给我看她的旅游书本,她似乎要去那个地方。可是我看不懂因为我还看不懂katakana。当她知道我不知道用日语沟通时,她才跟我们说英文。原来她和她的老公要去Mt Barker, 不过我们也没有去过。还好他们有在 Adelaide Metro Info Center问过,我们也只能根据他们手上拿这的巴士时间表来大约告诉他们应该在哪里下车。之后她跟我们道谢,还说我讲的日语很好,叫我继续努力学好日文。我当时很高兴,我也希望我学了后有机会到日本旅游而派上用场。